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"Current Disturbance"

The D.Daskalopoulos Collection


Current Disturbance, 1996. Wood, wire mesh, light bulbs, computerized dimmer switch, amplifier, and four speakers. Edition 1/2
The D.Daskalopoulos Collection. D.Daskalopoulos Collection and Dimitris Daskalopoulos 

09.03. – 06.05.2012

Curated by Malin Barth

3.14 proudly presents the installation Current Disturbance by Mona Hatoum. Hatoum is internationally recognized by her many works which juxtapose contradictions. Her art is characterized by the tension and uncertainty created by opposition. This work is being shown at 3.14 after its presentation at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and is included in The D.Daskalopoulos Collection, one of the world’s most significant private collections of contemporary art.

The visual expression of Current Disturbance is minimalistic. The narrative, however, allows ample space for multiple stories. The sense of political or cultural oppression in Hatoum’s works is universal. The artist intentionally wants her audience to question what they see and to leave the exhibition with more questions than answers. Hatoum challenges our perspective of the world as we know it. Each of the many wire cages of Current Disturbance contains a single light-bulb programmed to glow or be dimmed in intervals – each light-source individually programmed. The electric sound of the light-bulbs is recorded live and amplified through a speaker system, thereby creating an auditory as well as visual effect for the spectator. The intensity of the light source affects the strength of sound. The intervals and intensity of light and sound create a sense of discomfort and unease, and a feeling among the audience of impending doom. Hatoum’s poetic and political oeuvre is created in unconventional and diverse media. She makes installations which often place the observer in disquieting situations. Her surprising act of imbuing everyday objects with an air of impending threat and danger transforms the objects to mirror a dangerous domestic situation. Hatoum expresses the dichotomies and contradictions of objects and situations and/or emphasizes a sense of loss of stability. Simultaneously the objects may create a sense of incarceration by domesticity. With numerous associations the artist refuses to point at specific incidents, places or cultures. Hatoum does not point a finger at anything, and she never defines the source of unrest or conflict.

Mona Hatoum is a London based artist of Palestinian descent, who grew up in exile in Lebanon during the Arab-Israeli conflict. She was born in Beirut in Lebanon, but was travelling in England in 1975 when Lebanon’s 20 year civil war began. As a result of the war she was unable to return to Lebanon, and forced to exile. Her artistic oeuvre is, in many respects, autobiographical. Although her works are influenced by a personal experience of exile, they are nonetheless intended to be open to other interpretations and readings.

Mona Hatoum’s work have been shown at many prestigious biennials and at significant museums, such as; the Venice Biennale, Sao Paulo Biennale, Biennale of Sydney, Havana Biennale, Istanbul Biennale, Kwangju Biennale, South Korea, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Tate Britain, London, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Magasin 3, Stockholm and Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Whitechapel Gallery, London, White Qube, London, De Appel, Amsterdam, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford and the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, as well as at Kunsthalle Basel.


Started in 1994, the D.Daskalopoulos Collection is one of the world’s foremost collections of contemporary art, composed of over 500 works by 170 leading international and Greek artists. The body of the collection is formed by works from the past two decades. The artworks included in the collection, reflect the pertinent themes of this period focusing on the human body as a source of creativity and existential, social and ideological struggle. The collection gives particular prominence to large scale installation and sculpture works, as well as drawing, collage, film and video. While tracing key aesthetic developments of the last 20 years, the collection includes carefully considered key works from earlier in the twentieth century – by artists such as Joseph Beuys, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Morris, Dieter Roth and Paul Thek – that root the collection historically. Important artists represented in depth include Matthew Barney, Louise Bourgeois, Robert Gober, David Hammons, Mona Hatoum, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Martin Kippenberger, Sherrie Levine, Paul McCarthy, Bruce Nauman and Kiki Smith.

Mona Hatoum´s work Current Disturbance was shown at the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao curated by Nancy Spector, Deputy Director and Chief Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, and Katherine Brinson, Assistant Curator, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. as part of the exhibition The Luminous Interval, April to September 2011 and included more than 60 works from the D.Daskalopoulos Collection. Current Disturbance was also shown at the Whitechapel Gallery in London early spring 2011.


Dimitris Daskalopoulos is a collector of contemporary art and active in the Board of Trustees of the Guggenheim Foundation, the Tate International Council and the Leadership Council of the New Museum. He is also a Future Fund Founding Partner of the Whitechapel Gallery, London. He is the Chairman of DAMMA Holdings S.A., a financial services and investment company. He is also the Chairman of the Board of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) since 2006.


I forbindelse med utstillingen Current Disturbance inviterer 3.14 til forelesningen Bilder, Savn ved Jon Geir Høyersten, psykiater / rettspsykiater / litteraturforsker 


Jon Geir Høyersten vil presentere noen tanker og assosiasjoner ut fra hans møte med verket Current Disturbance og en viten om Mona Hatoums bakgrunn:
• flyktningtilværelse

• oppløsning

• savn
• landflyktighet

• identitet

• forsoning

Psykiatrispesialist Jon Geir Høyersten har en forskerstilling ved kompetansesenteret for sikkerhets og rettspsykiatri ved Sandviken sykehus. Han har solid rettspsykiatrisk erfaring, og var aktuell da Oslo tingrett skulle oppnevnte nye sakkyndige til å vurdere Anders Behring Breiviks strafferettslige tilregnelighet.
Tidligere har han for eksempel vært en viktig samtalepartner for instruktør Bjørn Melander i Gjøkeredet, ved Den Nationale Scene (DNS) i Bergen, samt nylig avholdt forelesningen Hvordan kan skjønnlitteratur hjelpe oss til å forstå psykiatri? som den del av Bergen kommunes 2 dagers seminar om Kunst, kultur og psykisk helse.

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