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The CloudForest Performance by Valeria Montti Colque

09.03.2019 at 13:00

Cloud Forest

The little dreamer comes walking

He is handsome

A well-dressed man

Sits down and fish

One night without stars in loneliness

He fishes dreams

Every human being is a universe

His body is his planet

He sees the other planets but they don't see him

Just a black dark wild cloud they see

The mountain stands motionless

The dreamer walks around on his planet

Around and around

How should they ever see him

The planet is hard as stone

A black dark cloud embraces him

As if a monster is carrying him

Or is it his shadow

Or A mother who rocks her child

The only one who sees him is the night

The night is singing for him

Her voice caresses him tenderly

He falls in love with the night

There is the dream!

Lays down at the foot of the mountain

On his bed of suitcases

Feeling the drops of rain in the face

Ready to travel

Over mountains



Crossing galaxies and the universe

Ready to dream

The mountain is watering him

One day he will be a beautiful flower

Falls asleep

The mountain is pushing his  journey forward

The sun wakes up

The mountain is playing with the sun in the sky

It smells good

Cloud branches in the horizon

Suddenly there, the dream sparkles

The clouds rays

Seeds grows from the darkness

The uttermost beautiful rose

The text performed by geologist Bjarte Hannisdal 

Think for a moment... think for a moment, and consider that in just a handful of soil, there are more living organisms than there are stars in our galaxy. 


And deep down in the crust of the Earth there are ancient organisms, tiny cells, buried alive, just sitting there waiting - some of them almost as old as the dinosaurs but still alive - and still waiting, quietly.


Consider that trapped inside our own bodies are remnants of the entire history of the Earth. The red color of our blood is a reminder of an ancient time, when life truly transformed the young Earth and caused its surface to rust. 


One of the tiny organisms that lived in that ancient time now lives inside every cell in our body and is an inseparable part of us. Even deep inside our brain cells, these ancient microbes swarm towards the contact point between neurons and help us to perceive, and to create memories.


The human brain is often described as a kind of computer, but perhaps it is better described as a kind of ecosystem. And conversely, a living ecosystem, like the soil beneath our feet, may one day be considered a kind of brain. 


Once we begin to tell the story our own deep history, we may begin to understand the world we are a part of. 

A world of connections and interrelations.  

A world in which the climate shapes the forest, and the forest shapes the climate. 

A world in which we are both a cause and a consequence.


To see ourselves in the world is to look into a kaleidoscope of shifting roles and paradoxes of contrast: 

Between resilience and vulnerability.

Between ritualistic repetition and irreversible change.

Through the kaleidoscope, you can glimpse the connections between the smell of the sea, the shape of the mountain, and the rhythm of your heart, beating

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