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PRØVEROMMET at Kunsthall 3,14

Monday May 9th, 19:00-21:00

This Prøverommet takes place during one evening at the non-profit International Contemporary Art institution Kunsthall 3,14, bringing together several new projects that involve sound, music, dance and photography by: Shelmith Øseth, Eivor Slågedal, Nising, Gisle Nataas and Siavash Kheirkhah.


More about the artists and their projects:

Shelmith Øseth is a 21 year old Kenyan Norwegian freelance dancer, based in Bergen. The project Shelmith will present is inspired by a poem about our inner child. “Picture a child, any child. About the age of 5 or 6. Imagine your childhood hometown, the playground and picture this child sitting there in this playground and waiting. Now years have passed, the child is still waiting. Now imagine that child is you. The person you are now may be much older, but that child is still in that same spot waiting. It's connected to the feeling of getting stuck in a specific phase of life. A stage of life which was experienced but wasn’t finished. It’s also about acceptance of that which cannot be changed or controlled.”

Eivor Slågedal is an interdisciplinary artist working mainly with sound. She draws inspiration from paganism and folklore, and her latest project involve performances with instruments made from animal bones. For this event Eivor will present ‘I blǿmingjinn’, a performance and musical ritual. The sounds of ants, birds, water and instruments made from animal bones will merge in a ceremony to welcome springtime. The audience is invited to bring an object to the ritual (a flower, pinecone, leaf - anything they associate with spring).

Nising is somewhere between a solo act, a person and a band, playing dreamy and eclectic indie folk. Currently, Nising is producing two follow-ups to the debut album from 2019, and will be playing new music stripped down to the simplest components – voice, mouth harp and kalimba – to test the boundaries of what makes the songs feel like songs and what makes Nising feel like Nising. 

Gisle Nataas is a trained architect and creates sound art from architecture and urban spaces. At Kunsthall 3.14, recordings from a Sverre Fehn building and the journey to Bergen will be mixed with sounds from Kunsthall 3.14. 'Fehn/2' will be performed by: Gisle Nataas, Signe Schineller and Camilla Nneka Inalu.

Signe Schineller: Enjoyer of life born in Brooklyn. An artistic soul many interests, in search of balance in life. Inspired by life in the city and in the countryside. Uses his talents as an interior designer, ceramicist and yoga teacher.

Gisle Nataas. Born in Bergen, lives in Oslo. Gisle works both as an architect and sound coast in his professional work. Currently touring with the DKS production «Architecture as an instrument».

Camilla Nneka Inalu. Born in Elverum, raised in Oslo and now lives in Bergen. Camilla is now taking a diploma at Bergen School of Architecture. Here she explores the relationship between people, culture and food.

Siavash Kheirkhah is an Iranian artist and filmmaker, currently based in Bergen. He focuses his work on film, video and photography with an experimental approach. The pivotal themes in this work are “dreaming, remembrance, death, and being seen”. Siavash is going to use this event to present an ongoing project. "I will work with a Kinect device to explore the concepts of  distance and presence of body through presenting one of my photo-installation projects ('Paradise of Zahra') which evolves around the death rite of Iran. I would like to thank Pedram Ahmadpour and Parisa Tejari who are helping me during this experience as the project develops."


Tickets cost 50 NOK, all welcome!

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