19.11.2010. - 09.01.2011
19.11. kl. 18.30: performance Cellulose (NO)
En duo bestående av lydkunstnerne Audun Eriksen og Arnfinn Killingtveit som utforsker et psykoakustisk tangeringspunkt mellom gammel og ny teknologi, igjennom bruk av akustisk og digital digerdidoo.
The Piksel Festival is organized for the eight time between 18th-21th November 2010. The festival subtitle (Un)stable, points to the temporarily placed and unsteady constructions – mobile spaces, code in constant development, a globally charged political climate. The festival program is made up of presentations, hands-on workshops, audiovisual performances, exhibitions and specially curated events – all on the topic of free technology and art.
Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with free/libre and open source technologies & art. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of FLOSS & art.
Artists presented:
Anis Haron [US] - Audio Palimpsest
Ben Dembroski - Ben Woodeson [UK] - Push and Shove
Gijs Gieskes (NED) - Hypnotoad
Emanuel Andel, Christian Gützer [AU] - Spactive
Korinna Lindinger [AU] - Unrund
Jorge Luis Crowe [ARG] - 2x
Richard Schwarz [AU] - From error to time – or: from time to time an error
Anis Haron [US] - Audio Palimpsest
Anis Haron’s Audio Palimpsest (2010) is an interactive sound-based installation that explores applications of indeterminacy and randomness in an interactive platform. The piece is based on a hacked cassette recorder, where the device functionalities are reconfigured to work in a different context. Audio Palimpsest is an auditory art system that allows multi-point interaction by synthesizing data inputs collectively and emphasizing the thought of open-endedness in its execution — opening up content generation to sources beyond the traditional expectations.
Ben Dembroski - Ben Woodeson [UK] - Push and Shove
Most sculptures are made to exist, these are made to both stop existing and to stop their evil twin existing. Like a throw back to the cold war and the days of Mutually Assured
Destruction, the two works are both agressive and vulnerable; their intention is to destroy or disable their counterpart. Conversely, they have no concept of defence or retaliation, yet each carries within it the seeds for it’s won destruction; they search for vulnerabilities in their counterpart with no concept of their own precarious situation. In some ways, this can be seen as playful nod to the irreverence of dada, Man Ray’s “Object to be Destroyed” and Jean Tinguely’s “Homage to New York”.
www.dembroski.net - www.woodeson.co.uk
Gijs Gieskes (NED) - Hypnotoad
Hypnotoad is an installation mounted on the wall. It broadcast audio and video. The artist bases his work on the hypnotic frog known from the Futurama series, adding his own
particular perspective.
Emanuel Andel - Christian Gützer [AU] - Spactive
Spactive is short for Active Space. This installation seeks to create spatial feedback loops in relation to the viewer of the exhibition space. In 2003 Emanuel Andel and Christian Gützer founded the artist group 5VOLTCORE. They worked intensively on autopoetic and self referential systems, producing several installations and performances which dealt with the behaviour and manipulation of closed, inert systems.
Korinna Lindinger [AU] - Unrund
Porcelain robots roll through space. The mechanical swinging movements of the motor inside the robots and the irregular porcelain sheres produce patterns of movements and sound. Shape, sound and movement form an entity mediated by the ceramic material. The thusly designed random movements make the objects seem as if they had a life of their own.
Jorge Luis Crowe [ARG] - 2x
2x (Potencia de dos) is an audivisual reactive installation, a sort of basic DJ/VJ machine built with scrap (scanner, PC speakers, LCD panel from an old laptop). 2x explores, in a simple way, the relations betwenn numbers, image and sound. It uses, in its core, a low cost integrated circuit designed for mathematical operations, diverted from its original purpose to generate rhythm with a syncronized visual response.
Richard Schwarz [AU] - From error to time – or: from time to time an error –
How do we get our understanding of time? One of the problem about time – as some authors claim – is the difficulty to picture time. One example for an early attempt to grab
time and get information about ourselves was the usage of long exposure – people got lamps on head, hands and legs and then their movements could be analysed. Has there been another sense of time in other times? Is there a way to get time into a picture that gives us a hint, how we travel through time? Time goes by, but every moment leaves information.
Dialogen mellom stabile og ustabile strukturer gjennomsyrer den elektroniske kunsten og samfunnet forøvrig. Den ustabile strukturen er blitt til en kreativ kraft som tvinger utviklingen videre.
Det ustabile kan ses i alt fra økonomiske svingninger, et samfunn i hurtig endring, kode under utvikling, media i transformasjon, og til endringer i det globale politiske landskapet - faktorer som alle er med på å påvirke menneskets iboende trang til å bevege seg fremover.
Ved inngangen til det nye decenniet - 100 år etter at futurismebevegelsen startet, er fremmarsjen av den nye generasjon kunstnere mindre opptatt av den vidunderlige nye verden eller siste skrik innenfor teknologisk nyvinning. De vender heller blikket mot en velkjent og tildels utdatert teknologi, og skaper derfor sin kunst fra bunnen av, - i tett dialog med materialet. Det å ha kontroll over teknologien er en grunnleggende forutsetning for Marinettis arvtagere.
Årets hovedutstilling under Pikselfestivalen har undertittelen (Un)stable og viser 7 verk som på hver sin måte understreker disse tendensene. Det(u)stabile problematiseres ved hjelp av enkle og subtile, men samtidig effektive virkemidler.
Om Pikselfestivalen (piksel.no)
Piksel er et nettverk og en årlig festival for elektronisk kunst og frie teknologier, som retter søkelyset mot forholdet mellom kunst, teknologi og samfunn, arrangert for første gang i 2003. Piksel har i år invitert rundt 60 kunstnere fra over 12 ulike land, til Bergen for å vise frem verker, utveksle kunnskap, holde konserter og avholde workshops rundt tematikken elektronisk kunst og fri teknologi.
Les mer om festivalprogrammet og utstillingsverkene på www.piksel.no/p10