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SUGGESTED READINGS                                             


A series of interviews by Johnny Herbert with exhibiting artists.

Johnny Herbert is commissioned by 3,14 to make an interview series with exhibiting artist. He is co-founding editor of Grafters’ Quarterly, a free newspaper publication series. Herbert also works as a writer and copyeditor. He is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths College, UK.



- Kiyoshi Yamamoto

Kiyoshi Yamamoto spoke with Johnny Herbert about poetry and refuge in relation to his work The Eternity of the Prickly Pear,  at Kunsthall 3,14. the interview here >>>

- Ulf Lundin

Ulf Lundin talks with Johnny Herbert about From Darkness (2002) and his exploration and interest in a photographer’s changing position of power and responsibility and the importance of that position for what he calls “common space.” the interview here >>>

- Jinoos Taghizadeh

Jinoos Taghizadeh talks with Johnny Herbert about the difficult and unending work of “narrating the silences” within an atmosphere of willful and imposed forgetfulness and state propaganda, an atmosphere from which Letters I Never Wrote, here exhibition at Kunsthall 3,14, emerges. the interview here >>>

- Theater of Operations: Hakim Bishara and Hagar Ophir

Hakim Bishara and Hagar Ophir give a brief outline of their Kunsthall 3,14 exhibition, It Is Only Through Your Thoughts That I Can Remember Who I Am, in response to question from Johnny Herbert. the interview here >>>

- Apichaya Wanthiang
To correspond with her solo exhibition, While the Light Eats Away at the Colours, Apichaya (Piya) Wanthiang converses with Johnny Herbert about ideas central to her work, including how we might think empathy in a consumer society, and how a concept of affordance has helped her fine-tune the exhibition at Kunsthall 3,14. the interview here >>>

- Siri Hermansen

Offering a context for her work Dreaming in the Stone-bed Valley showed at Kunsthall 3,14, Siri Hermansen talks with Johnny Herbert about the development of her working methods and how, through notions of exhausted geographies and being guided, she approaches a thinking of place. the interview here >>>

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