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En Odyssé
2011, video, 6 min. 25 sek., sound

12.04. - 02.06.13

If you stand perfectly still, you’ll see how quickly it passes! 

Even if you don’t move you’ll be part of the flow. Even staying at home you’ll be part of the journey that moves everything around in the world.

When you do as little as possible and try not to change, everything changes. Sometimes the less you do the faster the changes take place. 

Odyssé is part of a series of works that investigates how time can be perceived. 

Eva Ljosvoll mainly works with video installations. The moving photography shows rather the consequence, than the story that caused the state. The non narrative moving image is close to poetry. The chronology is of no importance; the images are standing side by side and create a whole, like a chord that vibrates simultaneously. 

Odyssé is among the works that investigates how time is perceived on a personal level. How time is experienced indicates the emotional state. What time could be, can also be investigated through an emotional state. Personal experiences of being present emotionally and mentally are always the artistic starting point. Some of the works handles trauma and shock experiences through analyzing how time is experienced. How individuals are related to categories like time and language, are main interests in her artistic practice. The individual makes these categories visible and the individual is at the same time created through language. 

Eva Ljosvoll is educated at Bergen Art Academy, Weissensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin and Bergen University. She has participated in many group exhibitions and is among other things part of the collection of Bergen Art Museum.


video >>>

Artist talk (Norwegian):


Eva Ljosvoll – billedkunstner
Eli Okkenhaug – kurator ved KODE – kunstmuseene i Bergen

Eva jobber i hovedsak med videoinstallasjoner. Hun er opptatt av det punktet som er her og nå. Hvordan det oppleves. Hva det er. Arbeidet en odyssé hører til blant arbeidene som undersøker hvordan tiden kan oppleves på et personlig plan, og handler mest om at tiden kan oppleves å stoppe opp, når man har sterke personlige opplevelser, som setter en inn i en tilstand av sjokk eller sorg. Hun er også svært opptatt av hvordan det billedlige og verbale henger sammen, og hennes kunstneriske arbeidsprosess har vært preget av at hun skriver mye.

Sammen med Eva kommer også Eli Okkenhaug, kurator ved kunstmuseene i Bergen. I dialog vil de ut fra Evas arbeider snakke om subjektiv tidsoppfattelse og forholdet mellom det billedlige og verbale språket. Det vil underveis i samtalen bli vist et par av Evas tidligere verk: ”i løse luften” og ”etterspill”.

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